Selected Achievements & Clients
“Spirit,” 70 South Gallery, Morristown, NJ, July, 2016.
“Jour, le Jour,” 2015 Rencontres de Bamako Off Exhibition, Bamako, Mali, November, 2015.
Student Media Grants Program Exhibition, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, March, 2015.
"Moment au Mali," Bamako, Mali, May, 2013.
“Mouvements de Bamako,” 2011 Rencontres de Bamako Off Exhibition, Bamako, Mali, November, 2011.
Photographic Publications
Book on Malian Photographers (to be released in late 2016)
Vroegindewey, R. 2015. Conversations from Combines.
Selected Clients
U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S Peace Corps
Michigan State University
Farm Resource Bank
ICRISAT Seeds Project
Photography Research Grants
Student Media Grants Program. $5,000, 2014-2015. Texas A&M University Department of Conflict & Development.